Sunday, August 10, 2008

water change

so I regret to inform you that I was quite behind on this water change it really should've been done last weekend. However Aaron didn't do it, so finally I gave up on him and did it myself today. The water wasn't looking so good so I did a 50% water change and it looks much better now.

When I was doing the water change Coco was quite interested in the siphon and kept getting really close. Then feeling really daring he got in it, I had to pull the siphon out of the water before he got sucked down the tube, it was a close call. No worries though I was watching out for him even though he is not my frog.

It is always a fun thing to watch my little frogs eat their blood worms. Their little hands are so cute when the grab stuff and put it in their mouths. ooowh!

The best part of the day was when I got to hold Bobby!!!
He swam up to me and I put my hand out and he swam in, he stayed there until I tried to pull him out of the water and he got scared and jumped back in. haha it was awesome!

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